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  Laura Davies Art  

Credit where credit is due

credit where credit is due

It has taken me my whole life to reach this point.

During that life I've had conversations with many people, read many books, seen many things, thought many thoughts. I'd like to thank all my inspirations and guides who, maybe without knowing it, have made my life as it is.

And here I'd like to thank a few of the people who have directly contributed to the material and ideas in this project.


for leading me to the science

Betty Edwards - for writing 'Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain'. This was a revelation to me. I love the combination of science and art in this book. It was the start of my interest in right and left brain study and continues to inspire me.


for the photography

A huge thank you to all the photographers whose photos appear within this project.

And thank you to my dad who gave me tips on how to take my own photo records.

for the glue

Jenny Norris - for creating the phrase 'butterfly faces' which, in a flash, brought all my disparate ideas together.

Chrissie Elmore - who always manages to inject a nugget of practical wisdom into our chats.

for the technology

Dave Buchanan - who is the technical brains behind this web site. His support, enthusiasm and energy are an endless inspiration to me.

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