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bee_cool_1024.jpg bee_cool_2_1024.jpg bee_cool_4_1024.jpg bee_cool_1_1024.jpg bee_cool_3_1024.jpg

The Heat of Summer 1 - Bee Cool

The semi desert, Summer, the bees are trying hard to find flowers still alive from sprintime, they hunt water as well as pollen.

The ground sizzels and the agaves sweat. Skies are blue, blue, blue.

Pen and ink and watercolours on tea bag paper. Montages of tea bag paper and fabric and the lace wings of the bee. The dried root of a thyme plant emphasizes this time of year when wild plants go into hibernation.

Framed with turquoise crochet the colour of the sky onto raw sienna fabric the colour of the baked earth.

This time of year best for sitting, being still, waiting.

21 x 27cm Ready to Hang

Mixed Media on Fabric


Price £75.00 plus £10.00 p&p

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